Christians & Atheists, Get Your Shit Together
There are many good and necessary things religion has brought to society over the millennia.
There are many good and necessary things religion has brought to society over the millennia.
However, they are often overshadowed by the horrific events and behavior of the past. If the Church expects to be present in the future, it will have to do better.
Famous Quote
"I assert most unhesitatingly that the religion of the south is a mere covering for the most horrid crimes, - a justifier of the most appalling barbarity, - a sanctifier of the most hateful frauds, - and a dark shelter under, which the darkest, foulest, grossest, and most infernal deeds of the slaveholders find the strongest protection.
For of all slaveholders with whom I have ever met, religious slaveholders are the worst. I have ever found them the meanest and basest, the most cruel and cowardly, of all others.”
—Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
One hundred sixty years have passed, but has anything changed? Isn’t organized religion still the mask of the monster for the wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Let me make myself clear. I am not against pureness, and good still practiced in the Church. Instead, I speak against the contradictions and hypocritical actions of the leaders and followers who pursue sins against humanity.
As a result, there seems to be a decline in believers for good cause. I dare say there even appears to be a mass exodus away from religion in the first quarter of the 21st century. Walking away from God is becoming a new trendy movement.
Religion once held mass crowds together but is easily replaced by new fictions. Fictions that allow people the freedoms to be closer to what Earth has called us to be, free. Free from the ideologies that only exist in human minds and nowhere else.
A plea to Theists
Get it together, Church of all kinds, or be a relic in the past. Reevaluate your principles and leave room for new evidence-based truths.
Work with science, not as a tool of confirmation, but be led by where objective truth takes us and let go of ancient declarations of what culture thought to be true in the past.
Cleanse yourself of the sins of your forefathers and end the generational hypocrisy that still lingers today. Because if the Church remains bathing in its clear and obvious cruelness, it will soon be taboo among the current and upcoming cultures to dare follow such immoral practices.
Also, stop undermining the capabilities humans possess. Stop oppressing the populations and instilling weaker minds the things that paralyze people of their potential. Live in harmony with the people of your same species.
Stop seeing those who oppose your beliefs as the enemy. We all come from the same origin and share the same odds of being alive, here and now. So until further proven, we are all returning to the place we were before we were born— dust in the wind, dirt in the ground, food for the beasts both large and small, atoms of another form.
A plea to Atheists
Atheism is divided into two categories.
Those who disbelieve.
Those who exert their disbelief.
My plea for extremist atheists is the same as my message for Christians. Stop being hypocrites.
Evangelistic pursuit against religion is indeed an ideological system in itself, birthed from hatred in some cases. Harmony cannot be achieved unless we first have peace within ourselves.
I get it, though. Why sit back and watch people be undermined by religion? It's sad to witness inaction as religious folks sit and wait for their god to do everything for them. Especially when a call to action is immediate.
Plus, avoiding living this life while daydreaming about a magical wonderland afterlife further disables humans. It's a crime against humanity to lean on dogmas as an excuse to live now.
Nonetheless, let no human declare themselves better than another, then use this as a pursuit of defeat over them. Hypocrisy from both sides reveals itself as the hand lifts and the finger points from hypocritical participants.
We are homo Sapiens first. That means when we go to battle with others, we are only destroying ourselves. Killing each other still makes us animals among the rest. That leaves us as humans second.
Let our shared words amongst each other be words that enhance the beauty and essence of the human spirit.
As we find others who do not believe as we do, just know that they see the world through their lens. And that’s okay as long as they return the kindness and freedom of expression.
Live and let live. Stop the madness!
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